To work with quality questions is very important for us at “Borrby Kungsgård”. Borrby Kungsgård is carefully inspected and quality graded with 5 corn ears.
Each farm in “Stay on a farm” is graded in various categories on a scale of 1-5 corn ears. One corn ear means ”Approved”, indicating that the farm meets all the criteria for membership in Stay on a Farm in Sweden. Five corn ears means “First class”. The number of corn ears published is the average grade awarded to the farm. A full inspection report is shown under each individual farm.
“Borrby Kungsgård”, Borrby demesne of the Crown, have a long history back to the 1300-century, but became demesne of the Crown first in 1500-century because of King Karl XI. The manor has been changed and rebuilt during the years.
With great consideration we offer our guests a high personal and quality living.